Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fresh Air

As a last outing together as a family (4 generations - isn't that fantastic?!) for this Melbourne trip for my mum, dad, nan, sister and nephew, we headed to Sherbrooke Forest and 'The Falls' walk.

It was so beautiful and fresh, as it had been raining in the morning, and I definitely think we looked liked tourists, with quite a lot of cameras between the 8 of the adults :-P. But I do love that this is practically at 'the back door' of where we live...just have to remember to appreciate it a little more often..

Here's a brief photo share (some photos have been played with in Photoshop :-P)

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Gorgeous Photos Kelly!
Looks like Nan was thoroughly enjoying herself! Great shot of her with Uncle Paul! Love the photography fullstop. lol.