Yep, you read right. I am pulling away from Kiti Q and if you are interested in buying the website, please email me your interest ( Either way, the shop will be offline from the 1st July 2008.
Let me explain the reasons behind this decision....
This is why : Kiti Q is going well - it has so much potential. It would make a fantastic 'real life' store, especially if incorporated with a few other lifestyle items such as stationery, and hand-crafted jewellery. It has a HUGE potential to grow and become even bigger and better than it is now. But the truth is, it's not the right time for me to take it to this next level. As much as I would absolutely LOVE to open a bricks and mortar store (and believe me, I have designed my shop front, how things would be displayed and even looked at shops available for lease) but it's not my time. My time is to be spent with my little ones before they head off into school in the next few years. My time is to be spent building & renovating our home, making it a pleasant environment for family and friends and a place that makes me feel content and calm. It's just not my time to be a funky scrapbook shop owner :-)
I love the scrapbooking industry - it moves so fast, growing and creating. I've made so many fantastic friends, people who inspire me with their lives and creations, through Kiti Q, and for that I will be forever grateful and thankful.
I will still be scrapbooking. Definitely. I love this hobby. I just won't be owning a scrap shop. I'm simplifying things, de-cluttering my mind and hopefully opening the way for a little more freedom in my everyday.
To celebrate Kiti Q, we will be making the last Scrap'n'Chat crop day, on the 28th June, a special and fun one - a farewell, if you will. Music, good food, prizes and just a lot of laughter. Would love to see you there :-)
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Take care. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!